Find what you want, and commit.


The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.

What have you committed to?  Have you committed to a goal?  Have you committed to a system that will help achieve those goals?  Have you committed to an art form?  Have you committed to loving yourself?  Now if you have, do you have an idea of the level you have committed to?  If you haven’t, why not?

Commitment can be scary to think about.  You are making a choice, a clear cut choice to choose something over something else.  You are objectively deeming something to bring value to your life.  Here is the thing about committing to something before you have your imaginary end result, it can only bring value to its highest potential if you truly commit to it.  Learning what you want to dedicate your time to is an essential part of maneuvering your way through life.  It becomes hard to commit to something if you don’t understand your values.  If your values are all over the place, well then I can almost guarantee your idea of commitment will be as well.  

Taking the time to understand your values and what they mean to you will help streamline your decision making.  Better decision making is really what separates the different versions of yourself.  If you can teach yourself to be a better decision maker, you will have a better life.  The reason being is that the person you are today, is a cumulation of all the past decisions you have made in your life, whether they were conscious or unconscious.  You are who you are because you have followed some form of programming that has been around you.  In some aspects of your life, this could be empowering.  In others, the program can be frustrating and counter productive.  Until you examine what makes you behave the way you do, its really hard to understand how to improve.  

When you take a look at yourself, what do you value?  What is important to you?  Why is it important to you?  Is it really important to you, or is it important to someone else? How many core values come up in stories of inspiring people time and time again where these people seem to come to the same conclusion, just in their own personal discovery of it?  What will a particular value mean to your future self and the people you love around you?  These are all questions that we should ask ourselves.  The more you develop a strong sense of your core values, the stronger and more connected you will feel with yourself.  Peer pressure will no longer influence you like it used to.  Doubt will be kept at bay much easier than in the past.  Decision making that used to be difficult will become easier because once you have a clearer understanding of yourself, when opportunities present themselves, you already know the answer.  There is less to contemplate when you already have a sense of clarity.  Decision making becomes difficult when you are still trying to figure out why you want to do something, not really what you want to do.  When you know the why, the what becomes much easier to solve.  The faster you can solve the what, the quicker you can put into action your decision to commit to something or someone.

When you do the work to create a sense of clarity at certain points in time in your life of who you are and who you want to be, you lay the foundation for commitment.  You have to commit to yourself first.  When it comes to your values and what you want, you have to wake up and be that person.  You have to show up for yourself everyday.  There is no other way.  You are going waking up and going about your day doing anyways, so why not understand the level of commitment you can give to yourself?   Increasing your level of awareness and the decision to accept and commit to what you want and what you see for yourself will always something that works in your favor.  Committing to your work, your ability to create, your personal self improvement, your attitude and your mood, essentially how you show up in the world will ultimately dictate your reality.  You get back what you give.  If you fully commit to something, and do it for the right reasons, you open up the potential to receive life changing opportunities.  You open yourself up to the fullness of a human experience.  

All we are, is a collection of human experiences.  From the second, to the minute, to the hour, we are constantly experiencing.  So if you are constantly experiencing, and you want to experience the fullness that life has to offer, you have to become aware of the use of your time.  Commit to the use of your time with the intention that you are going to have an incredible experience figuring yourself out and getting to feel things that can make you feel so alive.  We all want that.  We all want to feel something so grand.  We all want to be and do something that excites us.  But sometimes we are waiting to receive that from the outside world.  It starts within each of us.  It starts with commitment.  It starts with you deciding you are going to go for what you want, and that along the way you will be hurt, you will be challenged, and you will feel scared, but you will always be able to figure it out in time.

We all have fears about commitment.  Commit anyway.  Clearly, if something is a bad idea, and you know it deep down, you should listen to that.  But if something excites you, if something is moving you, if something is drawing you closer and you spend a lot of your time thinking about it, go.  Go learn something about that.  You can always make the choice later to commit to something else.  But if you live in the space where you are scared to fully let yourself into something, then you won’t ever know your true potential.  There are a lot of “what ifs” in this world, which ones you are asking to yourself matters.  

You can either look at things from a worried perspective, or from a wondrous perspective.  If you spend your time worrying about every decision you make and analyzing every moment of your being, you will drive yourself crazy and not enjoy your time.  But if you live in a state of wonder and appreciation, well there is much to be learned and experienced with that in an enjoyable state.  The overall feeling of thankfulness that you can create from appreciating the little things can give you a whole new perspective on life.  These tiny perspectives changes are the tools that help us attain a greater level of clarity.  

We will all have beautiful moments of breakthrough and clarity in our lifetime, many times if you are always trying to evolve and grow.  But what you do with this new knowledge and discovery is more important that finding it.  Create action and behavior that truly reflects what you now know.  That is commitment. Commit.

Find out what you want, and commit.


Your ability to concentrate will dictate what you are able to achieve.


What do you want?